
The easiest way to qualify for membership is to register at and take any one of our certified tests. You may also qualify via other tests and society affiliations from our list of accepted tests below. You will still need to register at our IQ test site in order to submit your qualifying documents for approval.


Professionally Administered IQ Test:

California Test of Mental Maturity
Cattel Culture Fair
Concept Mastery Test
Miller Analogies Test
Raven’s Progressive Matrices
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scales
Wechsler Intelligence Scales for Children
Woodcock-Johnson Test of Cognitive Abilities
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales

College Admission Tests:

American College Testing Program
Graduate Admission Test
Graduate Record Exam
Scholastic Aptitude Test

Memberships in Other High IQ Societies:

American High IQ Society
Canadian High IQ Society
Callidus High IQ Society
Infinity International Society
Italian High IQ Society
One-in-a-Thousand Society
The League of Geniuses
Triple Nine Society

WE NOW ACCEPT RESULTS FROM TESTS BY Published Author and Psychometrics Test Developer, Randy Myers

Once you’ve qualified either via one of our tests or by having your submissions graded accordingly and purchased the lifetime membership fee for $25 US you will have instant access to your downloadable membership certificate as well has be registered at our members only private social network.

Thank you and enjoy! The ICON Support Team.